Choro Q Wiki

Heizo (Japanese: 平蔵 Heizo) is the inhabitant who keeps his crops until some crows keep eating them, he does not know what he is going to do with the crops. You have to pick out which option he might do to protect his crops, if you pick "You should get a dog" Heizo gets a dog and the dog didn't scare the crows and he was just watching the crops and then the crows stopped eating the crops or if you pick "You should prepare crow food" Heizo will make food for the crows and fortunately they are ignoring the crops. After this, he gives you the policeman's club.


  • "Oh! When did you get here? I'm glad you're here. There's something I'm concerned about. Will you give me advice?"
  • (After the protagonist has agreed to help him) "Oh! You seem confident! I'm concerned about my Grandma. She works in the field, but her vegetables are always damaged by crows. How can I chase away the crows? What should we do?"
  • (When the protagonist has picked either of the suggestions) "Oh, I see. Thanks! I'll tell my grandma right away! Hey! Come back later! I want to thank you!"
  • (After the protagonist has suggested that Heizo gets a dog) "Hey! It's you! I took your advice and got a dog. He made friends with the crows. He didn't chase them away, but they stopped damaging the crops. It's a good thing I asked you! Take this! Visit me if you are in the area."
  • (After the protagonist has suggested that Heizo prepares crow food) "Hey! It's you! I took your advice and got food for the crows. They're ignoring the crops! It's a good thing I asked you! Take this! Visit me if you are in the area."
  • (Before recruiting him) "I'm pretty confident about my driving skills. Would you let me join your team?"
  • (Declining his request) "Well then, come and see me if you change your mind."
  • (Accepting his request) "Good! Now you're talking. I'll work harder than your old teammate."
  • (Whilst on the team) "Oh, it's you! Let's have a good race!"
  • "See you later!"